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Water cooler for bag in box Flexi Store +

Reference -2520010001
Rating:0 opinion
549.00 €
Including eco-participation:2.20 €

Aqueduct Flexi water cooler is designed to contain water in bag in box format, and always keep it at a constant temperature. Countertop model, particularly suitable for small offices.

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Warranty  Warranty 1 year
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Bag in Box Concept
Water Analysis Bag in Box

Standard Features

  • Compressor from the refrigerator industry
  • 1 AquaCocoon® capacity
  • Fast cooling contact cell
  • Recovery drops of 350 ml
  • Temperature display
  • Minimum size; easy to place on a table or countertop
  • Integrated cup dispenser


  • «Light box» to communicate on your brands and products
  • Switching to sleep mod
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Bag in Box Concept
Water Analysis Bag in Box

Perfect hygiene: no contact between machine and water, no exposure to light or air, even after opening.


The AQUEDUCT® concept marks a fundamental change in the fresh water distributor market.
The bag-in-box principle, exclusive design and innovative refrigeration technology make the Aqueduct range the water dispenser of the future.
The mountain spring water from the Vosges Valneige is taken directly from a 10 litre watertight vacuum bag contained in a cardboard box. The AquaCocoon unit is refrigerated inside the unit.


This system offers you a number of decisive advantages:

  • AquaCocoon® is a single-use product; cartons and bags are recycled directly.
  • Empty packaging returns, as well as maintenance and sanitary maintenance are no longer necessary.
  • AquaCocoon® can be stored inside the unit to save space.
  • AquaCocon® are quick and easy to replace.


  1. Quality mountain spring water
  2. The only water distribution system without sanitary maintenance or deposit
  3. The 100% hygienic water distribution system
  4. Accessible to all users thanks to its greater lightness
  5. 100% useful storage thanks to its unique use and compactness
  6. An ecological system thanks to packaging designed to be 100% recycled
  7. Aesthetics and design for professional coolers
  8. Protected in a sealed packaging guaranteeing purity and preservation for several weeks, without contact with light
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Bag in Box Concept
Water Analysis Bag in Box
Calcium 7.9 mg/l Ca
Magnesium 2.4 mg/l Mg
Sodium  5.1 mg/l Na
Chlorures 6.7 mg/l Cl
Nitrates 3.4 mg/l NO3
Sulfates 5 mg/l NO3
Dry residue at 180 °c 57 mg/l
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Bag in Box Concept
Water Analysis Bag in Box

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